Protection Gender & Advocacy Officer Full-time Job
2 years ago Social Services Kigoma 2.2K views Reference: 881Job Details
Key Responsibilities:
- Ensuring compliance with Protection and SGBV standards of operation and other guidelines
- Build capacity of staff programme staff and key stakeholders on protection, child protection and Gender/GBV including facilitating of key training packages in humanitarian principles, staff/partner code of conduct and safe distribution to promote dignity to the beneficiary community in alignment with the programme plan.
- Providing guidance and quality assurance for implementation of Protection and Gender interventions as well as mainstreaming of protection considerations, gender analysis and approaches for achieving gender-sensitive and transformative outcomes in the programme.
- Support the programmes developing identifying key gender and protection indicators, defining the M&E plan and other documentation needs in relation to the protection
- Establish and/or strengthen protection mechanisms in the Food programme, including a proper data management system
- Develop and simplify humanitarian principles (SPHERE Standards), safe food distribution guidelines, CP & SGBV standards, laws and policies and other relevant guidelines for dissemination to staff, partners and communities
- Conduct period reviews of information on gender and protection and assess barriers/ protection risks faced by women, adolescent girls and children in food distribution to inform programme implementation
- Collaborate with gender and protection actors through enhanced synergies to implement protection education, case management at food distribution points and referral of SGBV cases received to existing SGBV referral mechanisms. The Officer shall ensure that such cases are followed up to completion
- Intentionally, regularly informally and formally consult with beneficiaries, non-beneficiaries, Government, and other agencies to receive feedback regarding the program commitments and staff conduct.
- Community & stakeholder education and dialogue for behavior change/policy enforcement
- Contribute to efforts of mainstreaming protection and gender into food programs and input into advocacy efforts/agenda, through the analysis of information collected in Protection Incidents, patterns, and trends
- In liaison with the WVT Gender and Advocacy Manager and the WFP Gender and Protection focal person develop training materials and IEC packages on SGBV & child protection
- Promote awareness/education on SGBV standard operating procedure (SOP) and protection minimum standards through pre-distribution food meetings
- Coordinate and facilitate communities meetings and dialogues with stakeholders on SGBV& Child protection issues to develop action plans
- Represent World Vision Tanzania at the monthly & quarterly gender-based violence and child protection working groups hosted by UNFPA, UNHCR, and UNICEF to share progress, challenges, and appropriate follow-up plans.
- Develop and disseminate Information and Education Communication materials on SGBV and Child protection.
WorKing Relationship
- Partner engagement, representation, and networking with respect to the protection, gender, and related subsectors
Documentation and Reporting
- Ensure adequate documentation of daily protection and SGBV incidents within the food program, coordinate referrals and reporting internally and externally, and ensure proper follow-up of documented incidents
- Facilitate proper implementation and reporting of protection activities in the food program, according to World Vision and donor requirements
- Establish and implement feedback and complaints mechanisms on SGBV and Child protection across the program areas. This will include documenting all SGBV cases reported and contributing to the SGBV database/information management system at the district and National level
- Compile and submit quality reports to the Commodities Manager/ Officer as directed. Ensure that all reports are highly accurate, comprehensive, and well documented and will guarantee the credibility of the program.
Required Professional Experience
- At least 3 years of experience working in child protection and gender development programming, preferably in fragile contexts. Familiarity with key international standards for humanitarian work (e.g. CP Minimum Standards, Red Cross and Red Crescent Code of Conduct, SPHERE, and the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) Standard, etc.)
- Ability to communicate and work with beneficiary communities, government (MHA), and stakeholders at the camp level
- Experience in training and community consultation is highly desired
- Good understanding of monitoring and evaluation processes
- Networking and collaboration skills
- Experience in working with refugee programs
Required Education, training, license, registration, and certification
A university degree in Gender Studies, Sociology, Social Work, Community development, development studies, Human Rights, or a relevant field.
Preferred Knowledge and Qualifications
- Certificate course in IASC guidelines e.g. Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, Prevention of GBV in humanitarian.
- A good understanding of the International Gender mainstreaming approaches and the International protection framework for refugees and asylum seekers.
- Proven track record as a staff and community trainer and capacity builder in Gender and development, prevention, and response to GBV and other harmful practices.
Contact (within WV or outside WV)
WFP Field Staff
Reason for contact
They are always on the ground witnessing the distribution and food process hence effective communication is essential
Refugee community leaders and DRC
Reason for contact
Information dissemination to the communities at large
For Protection and referral purposes
Deliver Results
Build Relationships
Partner and Collaborate
Model Self-Management
Engage, Influence, Lead and Grow Others
Applicant Type Accepted:
Local Applicants Only
Company Description
Even the most vulnerable children deserve a chance at a bright future. As a global Christian relief, development and advocacy organisation we help children, families and communities overcome poverty and injustice, irrespective of religion, race, ethnicity or gender.
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