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AWS Teacher Freelancer Full-time Job

1 year ago   Computer & IT   Berlin   1K views Reference: 1078
Job Details

Your Tasks

Me: I just need to host Hello world on the cloud

AWS: No problem, have you checked out all of our cool named products, youll never understand?

Are you fed up with tight deadlines streaming in from all sides?

Come and work with us!

Get appreciation and gratitude from your students in an international work environment!

[What, you, do]

Teach AWS lessons for the next generation of AWS Cloud Practitioners and AWS Solution Architect Associates

Share your ideas for our teaching materials, exercises and projects for our students

Create a learning atmosphere according to your liking in a positive learning environment

Our students are curious: share your industry insights and professional experience

Collaborate with cohort instructional team members and colleagues to enable a good student experience,

Your Skills

[Who, you, are]

AWS Cloud Practitioner and AWS Solutions Architect (Associate or Professional Level)

Sharing is caring: You love to inspire people

You enjoy teaching and guiding new AWS professionals

You have good English communication skills

Willing to do the Current AWS Authorized Instructor Badge

[Also, nice]

AWS experience, good knowledge of Python, Tooling, Automation

Several years as Cloud/Solution Architect or Product Owner or AWS Teacher

German skills

Get in touch with us and join our squad of tech wizards! Grab your wand (or mouse) and click the apply button now!


Company Description
Du bist auf der Suche nach einem Job mit einem starken Social Impact? Wir beim Digital Career Institute GmbH bieten als Tech School seit 2016 verschiedenste Weiterbildungskurse an. Damit haben wir schon zahlreichen Menschen geholfen, einen Neustart zu wagen und in der digitalen Arbeitswelt einen Job zu finden. Aus der ursprünglichen Initiative neue Zukunftsperspektiven für Geflüchtete zu schaffen, haben wir uns zu einem etablierten Tech-Institute für Menschen aller Nationalitäten und Herkünfte entwickelt. Gemeinsam mit einem hochqualifizierten Team aus über 250 Mitarbeitenden arbeiten wir alle an einer Mission: Die bestmögliche Ausbildung für interessierte Menschen zu bieten, um ihnen einen Jobeinstieg in der Digitalbranche zu ermöglichen. Unser Headquarter ist in Berlin. Antreffen kannst du uns aber nicht nur dort, sondern auch in Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Leipzig und in weiteren deutschen Städten, in denen wir ebenfalls Standorte haben. Hast du Lust mit uns zusammen noch viel mehr Menschen zu attraktiven, zukunftsorientierten Jobs zu verhelfen? Melde dich bei uns und werde Teil des DCI Teams. Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung! Are you looking for a job with a strong social impact? We at the Digital Career Institute GmbH have been offering a wide range of training courses as a tech school since 2016. We have already helped numerous people to make a fresh start and find a job in the digital world of work. From the original initiative to create new future perspectives for refugees, we have developed into an established tech institute for people of all nationalities and origins. Together with a highly qualified team of over 250 employees, we are all working towards one mission: to provide the best possible training for interested people to enable them to start a job in the digital industry. Our headquarters are in Berlin. You can meet us not only there, but also in Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Leipzig and other German cities where we also have offices. Would you like to join us in helping many more people find attractive, future-oriented jobs? Contact us and become part of the DCI team. We are looking forward to your application!

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